Initiatives to close the corporate gender gap gaining attention and momentum
EDGE Certified Foundation created the EDGE Standard.
The standard measures a company’s commitment to and progress on closing the gender gap in the workplace. Based on the idea that “what gets measured, gets done”, the EDGE standard focuses on assessing key drivers of change and metrics that enable analysis of the gender mix in a client company, unexplained gender pay gaps and career development opportunities within the business.
When L’OrĂ©al USA celebrated their success in 2014 at achieving EDGE certification there was considerable interest generated in the online press:
The Washington Post wrote about EDGE’s ‘seal of approval’ in their “On Leadership” pages.
Fast Company made the connection between EDGE and LEED, the certification scheme in the US that certifies the green credentials of buildings.
A few weeks later, EDGE Certified Foundation was back in the news with the announcement at the Clinton Global Initiative by the President of the World Bank Group of a new initiative called She Works – a collaboration between the World Bank Group’s International Finance Corporation, EDGE Certified and ten global companies to focus on closing the corporate gender gap and provide opportunities for some 300,000 working women.
In the years since, hundreds of individual certificates have been awarded. And companies have recertified and demonstrated their improved progress against the EDGE Standard by achieving higher levels of certification. You can keep track of certified organisations by clicking here on the EDGE website.
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